Trying to Keep Pushing

Happy Thursday!! I hope all is well with you and yours. I have to be honest, its getting rough out here. It has been about a monthe since my hours at work have decreased and then placed on furlough. I have been filling up my time with selling some inventory of the boutique and creating…… Continue reading Trying to Keep Pushing

How Y’all Doing Out There?

Hello world! I hope everyone reading this is well. And if not, I hope wellness comes your way spiritually, mentally and physically. I know a lot is going on and there may be some challenges but I am choosing to see the good in all things. Especially the small things. I have been furloughed for…… Continue reading How Y’all Doing Out There?

Reflective Thinking During This Quarantine Thing

Hello fellow readers, writers and all those that fit in between! I have a confession. I like to be open and transparent so….I have realized that as a Christian my faith as of late has wavered. It could be a mixture of me not attending church in another city, the anxiety that is associated with…… Continue reading Reflective Thinking During This Quarantine Thing